postnatal checks

Pregnancy, birth and new parenthood can be the most wonderful experience. It can also be a stressful and physically challenging time. Childbirth can take its toll on women’s bodies. Up to 50% of women experience urinary incontinence one year postnatally and up to 25% of women still experience painful sex 18 months after giving birth. Many women are not properly examined postnatally to ensure that any pelvic damage is treated before it becomes a bigger issue. Some women are left untreated or have to endure months or years of discomfort and pain before finding a medical professional who can treat the problem.

It is for these reasons that we offer a thorough postnatal assessment with a doctor specially trained in pelvic floor health who can carry out an examination to ensure that the perineal tissues are healing well and that no tears or pelvic floor weakness have gone undetected. For women who gave birth by Caesarean section, it is also important to check for pelvic floor weakness which may have happened as a result of pregnancy or undergoing labour. Full referral to our Physio Therapy Service may be required for a longer course of treatment.
